"This year tur production went up."The BJP leaders were thumping their chest and claiming that the next BMC mayor will be from their party. On Maratha reservation, Munde said that during the recent hearing in the high court the government suggested appointing one more commission to decide on the issue."In this calendar year, 117 farmers from Marathwada region ended their lives, but government is insensitive to this, said the veteran Congress leader. When the state received good rainfall in 2016, demonetisation brought the drought of cash in rural areas. A rate of Rs 9,000 per quintal was expected but the current rate is Rs 3,000 per quintal."It clearly shows that the government wants to delay the decision in this regard," Munde claimed, adding that the present government is also opposed to giving reservation to Muslims."We will see whether the Shiv Sena really cares for the farmers and supports us when we will raise the loan waiver demand in the coming session," Vikhe Patil said.""This (BJP) government is treating the corporates softly but not the farmers," alleged Vikhe Patil, claiming that even the farmers leaders like Raju Shetti were not happy, "though he is a BJP ally". Same is the case with cotton growers, he claimed.Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in Uttar Pradesh that his government will waive off loans of farmers if voted to power.
"It means the government does not want to give reservation to Marathas."By negotiating for BMC mayors post, the CM is trying to save the BJP government in Maharashtra," Munde claimed when asked about Fadnaviss decision to withdraw from mayors race.Taking a dig at Chief Minister Fadnavis regarding farmers loan waiver, he said, "Fadnavis is checking horoscope to find a suitable date to issue a loan waiver."NCP leader Dhananjay Munde said, "There was scarcity of rainfall for last three years in Maharashtra. It made hollow statements related to farmers and now it has forgotten their plight."People voted the BJP to be a transparent opposition party. The BJP has denied itself even this role," he said."If you want to win UP by loan waiver, then Maharashtra farmers should get similar benefits," he said..He was addressing a joint press conference with Leader of Opposition in the Council Dhananjay Munde on the eve of the Budget session of the state legislature beginning on Monday."The way both the parties (Sena and BJP) criticised each other during the recent poll campaigns and the manner in which the BJP paved way for the Sena to have its mayor, I think it is like pulling an April Fools prank on the people in the month of March," Leader of Opposition in Maharashtra assembly Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil said on Sunday.
The opposition Congress on Sunday attacked the BJP for its decision to withdraw from the BMCs mayoral race in favour of Shiv Sena, saying it amounts to an April Fools prank pulled on the people.On serious allegations levelled by the chief minister against the opposition as part of the election campaign, Munde said "I want to know whether they (government) are going to investigate these charges.He further added, "However, with decks cleared for BMC mayors post, it is clear that the Shiv Sena was interested only in the BMC. The Congress leader accused the Shiv Sena of being indifferent to the farmers plight, saying, "The Shiv Sena is backstabbing the farmers as China Woodworking Machine the party asked for loan waiver when it went to meet the CM during the election campaign with an eye on zilla parishad seats".There has been at least Rs 1,800 per quintal loss to soyabean growers in the state due to demonetisation. What happened to it?" Vikhe Patil asked."Similar is the case with Dhangar community where Mumbai- based Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) has been given the deadline to submit its report by the end of 2018."I demand that the BJP-led government should start it from Maharashtra," he said, adding "Misuse of government machinery is one more issue we are going to focus on this session
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